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Per info e Booking


La barca ideale per immergersi nel mare delle Isole Eolie


©Copyright 2023 Amarea Salina Boat Experience di Fulvio Zavone - P.IVA 03745490833


Tutte le escursioni sono personalizzabili secondo le esigenze dei nostri clienti. Lasciati guidare da noi per organizzare il tuo momento di relax.

Our excursions, each one with a story to tell

Salina Tour

Durata 3 ore

Start from 300 euros


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We will circumnavigate the island of Salina, stopping in the most beautiful coves of the island, among which we find Punta Capo (locality Capo Faro), Torricella Lunga (locality Capo Faro), Punta Brigantino (locality Lingua), Punta Grottazza (locality Lingua), Punta Tre Pietri (between Lingua and Rinella), the Ariana (Rinella locality), Punta Megna (Rinella locality), and the very famous bay of Pollara.

Departure and return times can be modified according to your needs.



Prices are indicative and depend on the number of people and the season.

ALBATRO is our 10 meters boat, it is perfect for your excursion in the aeolian islands sea. It is equipped  with all comfort, comfortable covered aft cockpit equipped with sofas, outdoor fresh water showers, comfortable internal dinette and toilette.

Lipari e Vulcano

Durata 7 ore

Starts from 800 euros

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An obligatory stop on the Lipari tour are the Cave di Pomice, whose bay is characterized by its emerald green waters, then passing through the stacks, two volcanic necks that emerge from a clear and crystalline sea, without forgetting Grotta degli Angeli and Valle Muria .


One of the most fascinating coastal landscapes of Vulcano is characterized by the pools of Venus, with its tuff and basalt basins.

Vulcano is also famous for its warm waters and the wonderful Cavallo cave.   


Prices are indicative and depend on the number of people and the season.

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Durata 12 ore

Start from 800 euros 

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Panarea is certainly fascinating and elegant, it is the island that can count on its own archipelago made up of countless islets, the most renowned of which are Lisca Bianca, given the presence of the solfataras, and Bottari. No less renowned in Panarea is the Bay of Calajunco where the archaeological finds are found.


Stromboli is the wildest of the Aeolian islands. Here we will follow the Sciara del Fuoco, where in the evening it is possible to observe the eruptions, arriving up to the volcanic neck of Strombolicchio.

Prices are indicative and depend on the number of people and the season.


Durata 7 ore


Partenza prevista intorno alle 10:30 facendo rotta su Filicudi, Prima sosta bagno a Capo Graziano. Continueremo a costeggiare l'isola per arrivare alla frazione di Pecorini per una sosta in paese verso l'ora di pranzo. Nel primo pomeriggio partiremo da Pecorini e costeggiando il versante Ovest dell'isola. Arrivati alla grotta del Bue Marino faremo una sosta per un bagno. Partiti dalla grotta andremo ad osservare la Canna di Filicudi da vicino e Monte Nassari. Continuando a costeggiare l'isola arriveremo a Filicudi porto, dove faremo una sosta per visitare il paesino e/o il villaggio preistorico di Capo Graziano. Rientro a Salina previsto intorno alle 17:30. 






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